OPMA Member Committees

Member Advisory Committee

The Member Advisory Group performs a consultative role to guide OPMA operational decisions and membership recruitment.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for all financial matters concerning OPMA.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for all governance issues within the OPMA.

Women's Produce Network Committee (WPN)

The Women’s Produce Network Committee plans and implements activities for the OPMA Women’s Produce Network. The Network provides opportunities for women in the Ontario produce industry to meet, share ideas, learn and be inspired. 

Young Professionals Network Committee

The Young Professionals Network Committee was created for young people in the produce industry to network, share ideas and become inspired, and to help build your network and become more involved in the professional community.

Social Responsibility Committee (SRC)

The Social Responsibility Committee was formed for the purpose of identifying and then working with a strategic provincially-based partner to build OPMA and its members social contribution.

Government Relations Committee (GR)

The Government Relations Committee was formed for the purpose of discussing government issues as they affect the produce industry and advocating and lobbying on behalf of members.

If you are interested in joining a committee or would like additional information, please contact:

The OPMA Team
  416 519 9390
